Team Program

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances:
​if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

~ Carl Jung

There’s you, me, then us…but then there’s more?  

Functioning in a complex system of dynamic human involvement can get tricky. We often get placed in situations and moments where we are tasked with leading a team to accomplish BIG goals and objectives. With an insurmountable pressure to realize results now, you quickly dig in, only to realize that there’s some significant nuances to the environment, people or business challenge that necessitate a different type of intervention.  

Whether you’re in a formal leadership role or a project lead position, and you have a full arsenal of tools in your tool belt, sometimes it’s necessary to bring in an outside perspective.  

With the right thought partner by your side, you are supported as the leader in exploring new possibilities and perspectives to help navigate and support the team with the foundational elements of team functioning. Getting clear on the team’s purpose, value proposition, values and operating norms, key processes, interdependencies amongst and outside the lines of authority, roles and responsibilities – all takes time, effort and focus.

At ShadowLight, we have been working with teams to get clear on what work is done, who does the work, how the work gets accomplished, the way work is done and the leadership required to drive optimal business performance. We bring a focused perspective that is founded on business results; linking team performance to company objectives and targets.

The Process

If you are a leader ready and looking for a partner to help you optimize team performance, ShadowLight will begin working with you to understand where you’ve been, where you’re going…and then together…craft a path and plan to get the results you’re looking for.  

ShadowLight approaches the consultation process with a philosophy that there is no one way or right way, the only way, is the one that will work for you, the team and the environment you’re operating within.


A matrixed way of being…

 call: 587.225.4500  |  email: